Convent Baptist Church Sunday School


If you’ve ever wondered about God, and what His plans are for us, you will find all your answers in God’s Word – the Bible.  One of the best ways to dive into the Bible is being part of a Sunday school class.  The study & discussion that is present in each group is essential to our growth as disciples of Jesus.  An additional benefit of being involved in a class is the relationships that are built and nurtured.  As we live life together, we lean on each other & encourage one another in faith and in life.  Here at Convent, we have classes for all ages from nursery to senior adults.  Whether you are new in your faith or a seasoned veteran, we’ve got a class for you!




The goal of Christian formation is not to create churchgoers; the goal of Christian formation is to raise up disciples of Jesus Christ.  Corporate worship is a key component to a lived Christian faith… a support and inspiration for that lived faith.


Sunday School Leader





Jo Ann Thibeau

Sunday School Leader