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Convent Baptist Church Vision Statement:

"A Church for people on the grow: Upward, Inward, Outward.“

Upward: Exalting the Savior; Inward Equipping the Saints; Outward Evangelizing the Sinner.

Convent Baptist Church in Leesville, SC welcomes everyone—new families, dedicated members, or simply those searching for hope--to join our family.

Mission: As members of the body of Christ at Convent Baptist Church, our purpose is to glorify God and lift Him up as the only one living and true God; Upward, Inward and Outward.

Established in 1828, our congregation has been blessed with continued growth while still maintaining our close bonds to Jesus, each other, and our community. We worship every Sunday morning and evening with services that are tailored to fit the needs of all our members. Sunday school. Youth group. Traditional worship. We have something for everyone.

“Reaching upward we will encourage and maintain public worship glorifying God." (Matthew 22:37-40)


Original sanctuary erected in 1828.
Original sanctuary erected in 1828.
Current church
Current church was finished in 2003.

Reaching inward we will strengthen believers through Bible study and worship; encouraging every member to develop and use their spiritual gifts and talents placing others ahead of self in order to build the church of God (Colossians 1:28-29)

Convent Baptist Church is located in Leesville, SC though serves those living in Leesville, Batesburg, Pelion, Fairview, Gilbert as well as the Lexington and Columbia areas. We are located at 787 Convent Church Road and our normal Sunday services begin at 10:30 am as well as at 6:00 pm.

We believe that the best way to show our love to God is to help everyone find their way to Jesus. We are an open community and more than happy to host any visitors to our church. If you are new to the area, we would love to connect to make you feel more at home. If interested, please send us a message through our contact form or give us a call at (803)-894-3959.


Reaching outward we will strive to bring the lost to the saving grace of Christ Jesus as petitioned to us by Jesus in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)

Convent Baptist Church is led by our wonderful pastor, Travis Crumpton, as well as leadership selected from our congregation. For more information, please see our Staff section. We hope to see you soon and hope you are having a blessed day. If you need immediate assistance, please, do not hesitate to call us no matter the time.

Our mission is to reach the lost for Christ within our community and spread outward beyond our community. We will promote Christian fellowship and spiritual growth through Bible study, worship, and prayer to equip God’s people for His service.