Convent Baptist Church Outreach Ministry 


At Convent Baptist Church we think of ourselves as a hospital for the hurting. Our Outreach Department is an extension of the holy spirit that Christ instills in us. We have not Cornered the market on compassion, But we Passionately believe that stepping out is a better option than playing it safe. We are ordinary people who make a difference in everyday life, one act of compassion at a time. Every major life accomplishment can be traced back to a coach, a careful mother, a wise teacher or a person who reached out in a seemingly insignificant way. It all adds Up! It all matters! The big events of the world get the headlines, but the little acts of kindness rule the world. We are a small group of people showing compassion, kindness and the Love of Jesus out into the communities we live in.

Events sponsored by Outreach Ministry:


Men’s Day

Women’s Day

Youth Day

Kid’s Day

Movie Nights (Quarterly)

Valentine Banquet

BBQ & Car Show

Churchwide Camping Trips (biannual)

Blood Drive


Isaiah 6:8 Then I Heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here I Am. Send Me!

Outreach Ministry Leader





Pam Tims

Outreach Ministry Leader